I didn't do my physics board exam well. Can I get passing marks even if I have attempted all the questions?

It's difficult to say whether you will pass the physics board exam or not, as it depends on various factors, such as the difficulty level of the exam, your overall performance, and the passing criteria set by your school or board. However, attempting all the questions does increase your chances of getting passing marks, as you might have earned some partial credit for the questions you attempted. In most cases, exams are designed to assess the student's understanding of the subject, and partial credit is awarded for demonstrating some understanding or knowledge of the concepts, even if the answer is not entirely correct. So, it's possible that you may have earned some marks even if you didn't answer the questions perfectly. However, to get a passing grade, you will need to score above the passing marks set by your school or board. If you are concerned about your performance in the physics exam, you can talk to your teacher or counselor to understand the grading criteria and seek their guidance on how you can improve your performance in future exams.
